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Home » New Prevention Public Service Announcements Available From Partnership for Drug-Free America

New Prevention Public Service Announcements Available From Partnership for Drug-Free America

For coalitions who are interested, current PSAs designed to educate parents are available from PDFA for viewing/downloading at   Visitors are asked for a User Name: drugfree, and Password: psas1.   There is a free, one-time,  registration where you are asked for your name and email address.

Current Campaign Overview

Damaged Circuits is the newest campaign inclusive of TV, radio, print and digital banners. The campaign is designed to help viewers, listeners and readers understand that while teens may think experimenting with drugs, even once or twice, is harmless, any amount of teen drug use can quickly get out of control before parents and teens themselves realize there is a problem. Please note that there is both a: 30 second and a :15 second television spot for this campaign.

There are also two additional television spots in this distribution. Both :15 second spots, Chelsea and Ronnie,  are Rx focused and were initially released nationally as part of the Medicine Abuse project (MAP) in the latter part of 2012.   Each spot, both true stories, have delivered a strong message that have resonated well among our national audience. 

​There are short length spots that are suitable not only for traditional PSA play, but also well suited for Cause Related Marketing (CRM) initiatives within stations' sales departments (see attached list of organizations/businesses who have sponsored ads when station’s presented the campaign to them).

Local Tagging

Coalitions or their partners can pay for airtime/ad space to run the messages, or media partners can donate airtime/space.   

Either way, coalitions or partners can have their name added to taglines (as long as there is enough time at the end of the spot) by contacting   There is a small fee for this (about $100 to set this up the first time, then cost is less to tag each new distribution – there are two distributions each year).  Otherwise, the standard tagline will be Partnership for a Drug Free Washington, with the phone number to the WA Recovery Help Line.