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New Behavioral Health Resources- SAMHSA

Information for Faith-Based and Community Leaders

Increasing awareness of mental health issues and making it easier for people to seek help will take partners working together. Faith and community leaders can play a significant role in helping to educate individuals and families about mental health. These talking points can help faith leaders develop messages for their congregations and communities about the importance of mental health. Inventory#: PEP14-FAITHLTP

Everyone Can Play a Role in the Conversation about Mental Health

Faith and community leaders can play a significant role in helping to educate individuals and families about mental health. This fact sheet can help communities and congregations raise awareness about mental health issues and emphasize the importance of people to seek help when needed. This fact sheet can be used as a bulletin insert or announcement to faith communities about the importance of mental health issues in our communities. Inventory#: PEP14-FAITHFS

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