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Home » National Coalition Academy Bootcamp

National Coalition Academy Bootcamp

The National Coalition Academy (NCA) Virtual Bootcamp Training is a condensed version of the three-week long National Coalition Academy. It teaches leaders “what they need to know” (the core competencies) and “what their team needs to do” (the essential processes) to establish or maintain a highly effective substance use prevention coalition.
This free four-day training is a condensed version of the three-week long National Coalition Academy. This training covers:
  • The public health model and prevention science
  • Coalition work
  • CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Community Change
  • All elements of the Strategic Prevention Framework
  • Valuable information on how to qualify for a Drug-Free Community Grant
Attendees must attend all four days of the training.
Questions? Email or call 1-800-54-CADCA.
Date and Time: 
January 8, 2024 (All day) to January 11, 2024 (All day)