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Home » Increase in edible marijuana intoxication among King County children

Increase in edible marijuana intoxication among King County children

Increase in edible marijuana intoxication among King County children – The Woodinville Weekly  

An increasing number of King County residents are being poisoned by eating edible marijuana products, and health officials warn that children are particularly at risk. Marijuana intoxication in children can lead to anxiety attacks, psychotic-like symptoms, seizures, and respiratory depression. Although most cases do not require hospital admission or result in serious illness, children often require extensive and costly medical evaluations to rule out other causes of their symptoms. “Marijuana intoxication in children can be serious, requiring medical evaluation and occasionally, hospitalization,” said Dr. Suzan Mazor, director of toxicology and an emergency room attending physician at Seattle Children’s. “We need to prevent kids from getting ahold of edibles and to stop producing edible marijuana in packaging that resembles candy and treats that are attractive to children.”

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