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Home » How to localize the Starts with One campaign

How to localize the Starts with One campaign

How to Localize Your Campaign:

The Starts with One campaign is designed to inform and educate young adults, their parents, and older adults about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and the importance of safe storage, use, and disposal.

As part of this statewide effort, the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) provides campaign resources to coalitions and partners across the state. The hard work done at the community level by partners like you is a vital part of making a difference in our state.

The campaign is designed to be localized and tailored to your community. This guide is intended to help provide ideas for how to maximize the campaign in your area, in order to:

• Build awareness of your organization and its efforts
• Generate genuine, grassroots appeal for your cause
• Educate community members about how this issue is affecting your community
• Increase the response to and engagement with your campaign

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