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Home » Funding Opportunity - Increased Alcohol Law Enforcement Involvement in Impaired Driving Crackdowns

Funding Opportunity - Increased Alcohol Law Enforcement Involvement in Impaired Driving Crackdowns


Request for Proposals

Increased Alcohol Law Enforcement Involvement in Impaired Driving Crackdowns

Proposals Due by 2:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, April 18, 2014



The National Liquor Law Enforcement Association (NLLEA) is soliciting proposals from state or local alcohol law enforcement agencies that wish to increase their involvement in the 2014 NHTSA impaired driving crackdowns.

The NLLEA intends to award up to three funding awards for no more than $25,000.00 each for the development and implementation of an eight-month program focused on increasing alcohol law enforcement involvement strategies during the impaired driving crackdown periods. The NLLEA anticipates that agencies may include information on developing programs and protocols for strategies such as: developing a program to collect and utilize place of last drink (POLD) to identify problematic establishments; protocols for undercover operations to enforce laws prohibiting sales to intoxicated persons; providing increased education and enforcement surrounding licensed establishments and their role in preventing impaired driving; and/or other activities that alcohol enforcement agencies are uniquely qualified to conduct to complement and supplement more traditional activities (e.g., sobriety checkpoints) already conducted by law enforcement agencies during the impaired driving crackdown periods. Agencies applying for the funds must commit to continuing their involvement in the impaired driving crackdowns for at least one year after the initial funding is exhausted.

The funding for these contracts comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Cooperative Agreement DTNH22-12-H-00373/0002 awarded to the NLLEA. 

Click here for complete proposal instructions.