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Home » DOH seeks feedback on Healthy Communities plan

DOH seeks feedback on Healthy Communities plan

The Washington State Department of Health Office of Healthy Communities is asking for feedback regarding the Washington State Plan for Healthy Communities, a plan for preventing chronic disease over the life course.

The plan integrates several priority areas, including:

  • Healthy Starts
  • Tobacco and Substance Free Living
  • Active Living and Safe Environments
  • Healthy Eating
  • Screening, Referral and Follow-up
  • Social and Emotional Wellness
  • Clinical Preventive and Treatment Services
  • Health Equity

The “Washington State Plan for Healthy Communities Overview”  outlines how the plan is organized, how it aligns with national and state efforts, and how the strategies and interventions intended  for each of the plan priority areas.

Please review the overview document and then use the follow-up survey to provide input, feedback, and comments on the plan.