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Home » Deadline For Target Zero Traffic Safety Award Nominations is January 31

Deadline For Target Zero Traffic Safety Award Nominations is January 31

The deadline for entries for the 2014 Target Zero Traffic Safety Awards is January 31, 2014. The event will take place at the Lacey Community Center on April 16, 2014.

To nominate an individual or agency for any award, complete The Call For Entries form and submit to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission.

For a successful entry, please keep in mind that entries are judged by traffic safety professionals outside of WTSC who carefully follow the criteria listed in this Call for Entries document. To achieve a diverse pool of winners in terms of size (small and large agencies/companies/groups), as well as covering a variety of traffic safety activities, it was noted in past years that winning entries from smaller organizations were mostly submitted by WTSC staff and Target Zero Managers. So we encourage you to recognize projects from organizations both large and small in your area.

Video highlights of the 2012 Target Zero Award winners can be found in six parts on our Traffic Safety Vimeo channel at

Also, please mark your calendars and send this to all of your partners and stakeholders who may be interested. Your “entry form” can be submitted as a text document (Word doc or similar) or in the body of your email submission. Just be sure to answer the five questions listed in the Call for Entries.

Contact Erica Stineman, Communications Consultant, (360) 725-9893,, with any questions.