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CPWI strategic plan updates

What: Across CPWI coalitions, depending on the community’s cohort and fund source(s), there are different timelines within the contract including when Strategic Planning updates are due. As discussed at the March Learning Community Meeting, over the next year, we will be seeking to provide a more consistent timeline across all cohorts that also follows a standard contracting term whenever possible. Please note, we will still be dependent upon fund source timelines and must adhere to those terms as pertinent and continue to encourage each coalition to work on sustainability planning to support prevention programs and strategies.

Why: We recognize a need to ensure there is consistency across the system to reduce administrative burden for both providers and HCA and to aid future CPWI planning conversations. As part of this, our goal is to start with focusing on this biennium (7/1/2021 – 6/30/2023) while also planning ahead for the next biennium.  

  • Cohort 1-4 communities Action Plan and Budget due June 15, 2022 for the time period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
    • Note, these communities already have funding to support this time-period in their contract and may use their current Action Plan and Budget template.
  • Cohort 5 and 6 communities Action Plan and Budget due September 15, 2022 for the time period of September 30 through June 30, 2023.
    • Note, these communities have funding that currently sunsets on September 29, 2022 (PFS and SOR) but we are working to identify a solution to sustain funding through June 30, 2023 and you may need an updated Action Plan and Budget template to be provided this summer.
  • Cohort 7 communities Action Plan and Budget would be due by March 1, 2023 for the time period of March 15 through June 30, 2023.

    • Note, these communities have funding that currently sunsets on September 29, 2022 (SOR) and on March 14, 2023 (SABG CE) but we will be looking to identify a solution to sustain funding through June 30, 2023 and you may need an updated Action Plan and Budget template to be provided prior to the due date.
  • Cohort 1-7 Action Plans and Budgets should be based upon actual need.
    • Based upon the work you’ve each done with your prevention manager to review allocations and expenditures, we understand that some of you may not need the full amount allocated to complete the required programs and strategies as part of CPWI. We also understand that some of you may benefit from additional funding to support additional prevention programming. Please complete your new Action Plan and Budget (according to the due dates listed above) based upon actual need.
    • Note, additional funding is not guaranteed and requesting a reduction in funding does not mean you will not be able to request additional funding moving forward.
  • Strategic Plan updates for all cohorts will take place later this year/early next year using the 2021 HYS data to inform the process.
    • Note, additional information will be shared as we continue to plan ahead to include training opportunities and a concrete timeline as well as expectations knowing that the 5-year Strategic Plan update would have been due for Cohort 1-4 this year (2022) and for Cohort 5-6 would have been due next year (2023), while Cohort 7 recently created their new 5-year Strategic Plans.

Action needed:

  • If you are a Cohort 1-4 community, please use your current Action Plan and Budget and work with your manager to update this information by June 15, 2022.
  • If you are a Cohort 5 and 6 community, Action Plan and Budget updates are due September 15, 2022.
  • If you are a Cohort 7 community, your Action Plan and Budget was or is in the process of being approved through March 14, 2023.
  • For all, please begin thinking about how you would use the new 2021 HYS data to inform a Strategic Plan update later this year and know we will be sending out Data Books later this spring.