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Home » Call for Proposals for the 27th Annual NPN Prevention Research Conference

Call for Proposals for the 27th Annual NPN Prevention Research Conference

The National Prevention Network (NPN) – the prevention component of the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) – is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the 27th Annual NPN Prevention Research Conference. The planning committee is seeking proposals from high-quality prevention programming that have combined research, data, and practical application.  The conference is scheduled to take place in Hartford, Connecticut, September 15 through September 18, 2014.  The conference theme is "CONNECTing Healthy Communities through Prevention Research and Practice".

The 27thAnnual Prevention Research Conference will feature national, State, and regional prevention presentations.  The purpose of the conference is to highlight and introduce evidence-based programs, innovations, practices and principles supporting high quality prevention programming.  Eighty-five to one hundred participants attend the average workshop.  The conference brochure, which will be distributed in June 2014, will provide additional details regarding the specific content of this year’s conference.  Planners anticipate a high quality, well-attended conference.

For each proposal accepted, one (1) presenter will receive a one-day conference registration waiver for the day of the presentation; all other expenses such as additional conference registration fees, travel, lodging and per diem will be the responsibility of the presenter(s).  Enclosed please find information on the "Conference Proposal" submission process.  We are anticipating proposals in each of six core areas:

    • Prevention Theoretical & Planning Approaches:  SPF SIG, Public Health Developmental Assets, Environmental, Social Development.
    • Culturally Specific Approaches with Populations of Focus:  LGBTQ, elderly, rural, adolescents, college-aged students, military, minorities including Alaskan Native/American Indian, immigrants, and economically disadvantaged.
    • Substance/Behavior Specific Prevention Topics:  Prescription drugs; alcohol; tobacco;  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS); gambling, suicide,  violence, mental health relative to Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) use and abuse
    • Innovative Practices:  Ground breaking interventions demonstrating positive outcomes
    • Emerging Issues
    • Other:  Prevention Systems Management; Prevention and the Media

See details regarding instructions and guidelines for submitting proposals at The proposals are due on March 18, 2014.

While we understand the need to provide participants with the valuable resources from your organization, due to limited time during workshop sessions, we invite you to showcase your products and services in our exhibit area.  For more information regarding the exhibit area, please contact Lynn Beard, 405-325-1446 or

The NPN Planning Committee will notify all proposal presenters no later than April 25, 2014 regarding your proposals’ acceptance.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lynn Beard and be a part of "CONNECTing Healthy Communities through Prevention Research and Practice".