Action required: The Athena Forum user review
The Athena team is looking to get an early start on spring cleaning this year!
In the coming weeks, we will be reviewing and deactivating any accounts that have been inactive for more than three years and are not associated with any active contacts on the local, regional, and state prevention contacts list.
"But, what if...?"
It's been more than three years since you've logged into your account, but you'd like to retain it.
- Please sign into your account by Tuesday, April 30. If you’ve logged into The Athena Forum since April 2021, no action is required; your account will not be deactivated.
You're not sure when you last logged in but want to keep your account.
- Please sign into your account by Tuesday, April 30. An updated user list with login information will be generated prior to deactivating any user accounts.
You've logged in since April 2021, but no longer want or need your account.
- Please send an email to the Athena team, with your prevention manager copied (if applicable). Be sure to include the email address associated with your Athena account in your email!
Other questions or concerns? Please email the Athena team.