Youth Listening Sessions
Hi everyone,
The Snohomish County Health Department recently conducted some youth listening sessions around the county and gathered some interesting information. A Coalition member of mine from the County Health Department thought this would be some good information for the Coalition so we had it presented during one of our monthly meetings. Lexi Nims, who was an intern there at the time compiled the findings and created a slide deck and presented it in my Coalition meeting. After the fact she also created a video recording so this could be shared with other Coalitions.
I recommend watching this as another more qualitative source of information especially if your Coalition is in Snohomish County but this can also be useful even if you are in another County though as well. It also might be a good idea to do this or something similar as another way to get information from youth in your community partnering with your local health department or some other organizations to do something similar.
I've attached the slides in .pdf format and the video is a .zip folder for anyone to access.