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SPE Project Key Enhancements

The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR), using the SPE grant, will meet our goals by building on current strengths in our systems to initiate and implement the following key enhancements:

Interagency Collaboration

Building more interagency collaborations that align existing state efforts and bring current key state and community partners together in the SPE Policy Consortium to reduce duplication and encourage alignment and braiding of assessments, priorities, planning, reporting and evaluation.  The SPE Policy Consortium will capitalize on system strengths and bring in new partners essential to the success of development of a state Capacity Building and Infrastructure Enhancement Plan, and a Comprehensive 5-Year Strategic Prevention Plan.

     Key activities:

  • - Capacity Building/Infrastructure Enhancement Plan
  • - Comprehensive 5-Year Strategic Prevention Plan
  • - Conduct monthly meetings
  • - Develop primary care and mental health partnerships for increased integration
  • - Seek stakeholder and community feedback for the development of the Plans

Training Enhancements

Expand Training Plan to be a more extensive training, technical assistance and workforce development plan that includes: enhance website capabilities to host video trainings, webinars, and distance learning opportunities; expansion of trainings to include special topics areas and at risk populations and feasibility studies on  required prevention professional certification, provider licensing and service rates.

     Key Activities:

  • - Identify  and develop special training topic areas
  • - Conduct, record and post online trainings
  • - Support Communities That Care training for state staff and implementation in three communities
  • - CADCA Coaching and technical assistance training for state staff
  • - Revise Student Assistance manual and Art and Science of Community Mobilization training
  • - Conduct Certification, Licensing and Rates feasibility studies

Data Systems Enhancements

Expand and operationalize current data collection and reporting systems making data collection and reporting easily accessible and useable for both state and local communities.  Enhancing data collection systems for assessment, evaluation and monitoring:  improving the current resources assessment data collection instrument; incorporating improved reporting formats; increasing accessibility and use of Healthy Youth Survey data; and developing support for its use among state and local partners.

     Key Activities:

  • - Write process and outcome evaluation reports and submit coding for addition to PBPS
  • - Add a resources assessment model that can track local community level resources and coalitions
  • - Enhance to offer multiple-variable queries on Healthy Youth Survey results
  • - Develop with OSPI a standardized system for authorizing the local level review of school building level data reports on

Primary Care Integration Demonstration Project

Develop capacity in local communities to work with primary care through establishing a Primary Care Integration Demonstration project, which will identify and/or develop innovative strategies, by providing incentives to local communities to integrate substance abuse prevention with primary care, and expand our understanding of mental/emotional behavioral disorders and prescription and over the counter drug abuse prevention into current substance abuse prevention infrastructure.

     Key Activities:

  • - Develop and distribute guidelines and requirements for Prevention Redesign Initiative communities’ participation. Review and select communities.
  • - Review community reports semi-annually and distribute incentives.
  • - Document process and outcomes of the Primary Care Integration Demonstration projects.
  • - Disseminate lessons learned statewide and post information on
 To see the Primary Care Integration Demonstration project overview, click here.