Strong African American Families (SAAF) – Teen 

At a glance

Program or Strategy Type
Direct Service
Intervention Continuum
Age group(s)
Late Adolescence (15-18)
DBHR Prevention Funding Source(s)
EIP, Cannabis, Opioid, MHPP
EBP Designation
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for EIP
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for Cannabis
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for Opioid
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for MHPP
Versions with EBP Designations
Program or Strategy Description

The Strong African American Families - Teen (SAAF-T) intervention is a preventive intervention for African-American teens living in rural communities and entering high school. It integrates individual youth skills building, parenting skills training, and family interaction training. SAAF-T involves five group sessions using DVDs where narrators address specific content and actors present family scenarios depicting program-targeted interactions and behaviors. Each meeting includes separate one-hour concurrent training for caregivers and youth, followed by a one-hour conjoint session during which families practice the skills they learned in their separate sessions. The program provides parents and youth with skills that nurture adolescent self-regulation, achievement orientation, and negative attitudes toward substance use and other risk behaviors. The program is interactive involving role-playing activities, guided discussions, and question answering.

Status on Other Registries or Inventories
Blueprints: Promising
CrimeSolutions: Not on Registry
CEBC: Not on registry
WSIPP Youth Cannabis 2019: Research-based
WSIPP Children's Services 2020: Research-Based
Title IV-E Clearinghouse: Does Not currently meet criteria
What Works Clearinghouse: Not on registry
CASEL Program Guide: Not on registry
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Not on registry


African American
Not specified
Female, Male
Not specified
Not Specified
Name and Contact of Program Developer

contact: Megan Sperr


Number of Sessions
5 sessions
Length of Sessions
2 hours per session
Unique Implementation Factors
Not specified
Training/TA Requirements
3 days of workshops to become certified
Facilitator/Staff Credentials
None required

Protective factor(s) addressed

Individual Protective Factors
Problem Solving Skills
Prosocial Involvement
Peer Protective Factors
Interaction With Prosocial Peers
Family Protective Factors
Opportunities for Prosocial Involvement with Parents
Attachment to parents
Parental involvement in education
Parent social support
School Protective Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Protective Factors
Not Specified

Risk factor(s) addressed

Individual Risk Factors
Favorable Attitudes Towards Antisocial Behavior
Favorable Attitudes Towards Drug Use
Peer Risk Factors
Not Specified
Family Risk Factors
Parental Attitudes Favorable towards Antisocial Behavior
Parental Attitudes Favorable towards Drug Use
Poor Family Management
Unplanned pregnancy
School Risk Factors
Low School Commitment and Attachment
Neighborhood/Community Risk Factors
Not Specified

Outcomes targeted

Problem Behavior Outcomes
Conduct Problems
Marijuana / Cannabis Use
Sexual Risk Behaviors
Education Outcomes
Not Specified
Emotional Well-being Outcomes
Positive Relationships Outcomes
Not Specified

Implementation stories