Project Towards No Tobacco Use

At a glance

Program or Strategy Type
Direct Service
Intervention Continuum
Age group(s)
Late Childhood (5-11)
Early Adolescence (12-14)
DBHR Prevention Funding Source(s)
EIP, Cannabis
EBP Designation
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for EIP
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for Cannabis
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for Opioid
Versions with EBP Designations
Project Towards No Drug Abuse; Project Towards No Tobacco Use; Project Towards No Tobacco Use adapted for Marijuana
Program or Strategy Description

Project Towards No Tobacco Use (Project TNT) is a classroom-based curriculum that aims to prevent and reduce tobacco use, primarily among 6th- to 8th-grade students. The intervention was developed for a universal audience and has served students with a wide variety of risk factors. Designed to counteract multiple causes of tobacco use simultaneously, Project TNT is based on the theory that youth will be better able to resist tobacco use if they are aware of misleading information that facilitates tobacco use (e.g., pro-tobacco advertising, inflated estimates of the prevalence of tobacco use), have skills that counteract the social pressures to obtain approval by using tobacco, and appreciate the physical consequences of tobacco use.
Project TNT comprises 10 core lessons and 2 booster lessons, all 40-50 minutes in duration. The core lessons are designed to be taught over a 2-week period but may be spread out over as long as 4 weeks. Booster lessons, which are taught 1 year afterward, are intended to be delivered over 2 consecutive days but may be taught 1 week apart. The curriculum uses a wide variety of activities to encourage student involvement and participation. Activities include games, videos, role-plays, large and small group discussion, use of student worksheets, homework assignments, activism letter writing, and a videotaping project. The two-lesson booster program summarizes previously learned material and discusses how this material might be used in daily living.

Status on Other Registries or Inventories
Blueprints: Not on registry
CrimeSolutions: Promising (one)
CEBC: Not on registry
WSIPP Youth Cannabis 2019: Evidence-based
WSIPP Children's Services 2020: Research-Based
Title IV-E Clearinghouse: Not on registry
What Works Clearinghouse: Not on registry
CASEL Program Guide: Not on registry
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Not on registry


Not specified
Female, Male
Not specified
Not specified
Name and Contact of Program Developer

Steve Sussman, Ph.D. (323) 442-8220


Number of Sessions
12 sessions
Length of Sessions
40-50 minutes per session
Unique Implementation Factors
Not specified
Training/TA Requirements
1-2 days of training
Facilitator/Staff Credentials

Protective factor(s) addressed

Individual Protective Factors
Perceived Risk of Drug Use
Problem Solving Skills
Prosocial Behavior
Refusal Skills
Skills for Social Interaction
Peer Protective Factors
Not Specified
Family Protective Factors
Not Specified
School Protective Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Protective Factors
Not Specified

Risk factor(s) addressed

Individual Risk Factors
Not Specified
Peer Risk Factors
Not Specified
Family Risk Factors
Not Specified
School Risk Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Risk Factors
Laws and Norms Favorable to Drug Use / Crime

Outcomes targeted

Problem Behavior Outcomes
Positive Social / Prosocial Behavior
Education Outcomes
Cognitive Development
Emotional Well-being Outcomes
Not Specified
Positive Relationships Outcomes
Not Specified

Implementation stories