Parents as Teachers

At a glance

Program or Strategy Type
Direct Service
Intervention Continuum
Age group(s)
Infant (0-2)
Early Childhood (3-4)
DBHR Prevention Funding Source(s)
EBP Designation
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for EIP
Versions with EBP Designations
Program or Strategy Description

The Parents as Teachers Program is an early childhood parent education, family support and well-being, and school readiness home visiting model based on the premise that "all children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential." Based on theories of human ecology, empowerment, self-efficacy, attribution, and developmental parenting, Parents as Teachers involves the training and certification of parent educators who work with families using a comprehensive curriculum. Parent educators work with parents to strengthen protective factors and ensure that young children are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. An agency may choose to use the Parents as Teachers model to focus services primarily on pregnant women and families with children from birth to age 3 or through kindergarten.

Status on Other Registries or Inventories
Blueprints: Not on registry
CrimeSolutions: Not on Registry
CEBC: Promising
WSIPP Youth Cannabis 2019: Not on Inventory
WSIPP Children's Services 2020: Research-Based
Title IV-E Clearinghouse: Not on registry
What Works Clearinghouse: Not on registry
CASEL Program Guide: Not on registry
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Not on registry


Not specified
Female, Male
Not specified
English, Spanish, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Kinyarwanda, Korean, Lingala, Mandarin, Nepali, Portuguese, Somali, Turkish, Ukrainian
Name and Contact of Program Developer

Allison Kemner, MPH


Number of Sessions
Depends on a family's needs
Length of Sessions
Depends on a family's needs
Depends on family need but session can done for an hour biweekly or on a monthly basis over the course of a couple years.

Protective factor(s) addressed

Individual Protective Factors
Clear Standards for Behavior
Problem Solving Skills
Prosocial Behavior
Prosocial Involvement
Skills for Social Interaction
Peer Protective Factors
Not Specified
Family Protective Factors
Not Specified
School Protective Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Protective Factors
Social Cohesion

Risk factor(s) addressed

Individual Risk Factors
Not Specified
Peer Risk Factors
Not Specified
Family Risk Factors
Family Conflict / Violence
Family History of Problem Behavior
Parental Attitudes Favorable towards Antisocial Behavior
Parental Attitudes Favorable towards Drug Use
Poor Family Management
School Risk Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Risk Factors
Not Specified

Outcomes targeted

Problem Behavior Outcomes
Positive Social / Prosocial Behavior
Education Outcomes
Academic Performance
Cognitive Development
Emotional Well-being Outcomes
Emotional Regulation
Positive Relationships Outcomes
Close relationships with parents
Child Abuse/Neglect

Implementation stories