Youth and adult partnerships for positive community change virtual webinar


This virtual training will cover two areas on April 19:

  1. Fundamentals of youth development.In this fun and interactive training participants will learn the framework of positive youth development. Participants will walk away with a clear understanding of both the philosophy and practice of positive youth development, including the youth development standards of practice. Through individual reflections, small group discussion and real-world scenarios, participants will be engaged and empowered to apply youth development best practices to their own programs.
  2. Building equitable youth and adult partnerships.Youth are the leaders of today! Young people bring perspectives and experiences that are vital to social change and need the support and partnership of adult allies to fully realize their leadership power. In this fun and interactive virtual workshop we will learn and explore the philosophy and framework of positive youth and adult partnerships, the Hart's Ladder of Youth Participation, adultism and anecdotes, and strategies for building powerful youth and adult partnerships.

This workshop is hosted by the Rede Group and is part of a series of training opportunities designed for theYouth Cannabis & Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program(YCCTPP). The intended audience for this webinar are prevention practitioners in Washington.

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