SFP 10-14 Virtual Adaptation Training Part 1/3
Description:In thisthree-part virtualdeliverytraining, AnaMaria Diaz Martinez from Washington State University willreviewthevirtual curriculum adaptation for Strengthening Families Program 10-14.Participants will leave with an understanding of how to deliver SFP 10-14 in a virtual setting(actual application/practice will happen during the training).
Audience:This training is intended for trainedand certifiedSFP 10-14 facilitators and support staff who are preparing to implement SFP 10-14 virtually in the next 1-3 months.
Registration: Recommended to attend a 1-hour readiness primer (SFP 10-14 Virtual Adaptation Information Primer) where you will be given an overview of the logistics, technology requirements, and resource handouts to help support your virtual delivery of SFP. For more information,please email SFP 10-14 Community of Practice (CoP) and Evaluation Coordinator Sabrina DiGennaro (sabrina.digennaro@wsu.edu) or WSU SFP 10-14 CoP (sfp.1014@wsu.edu).