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Home » InSHAPE Invites Applications for Implementation Assistance

InSHAPE Invites Applications for Implementation Assistance

Apply today to receive support to implement InSHAPE®, a wellness program designed to improve the physical health of people with serious mental illness. In addition to getting implementation support, your organization will participate in a research study to advance understanding of how to implement the program.

Other benefits include:

·          Training in the InSHAPE® Program (a four-day training).

·          Personal trainer certification reimbursement for one designated health mentor at a local or online AFAA, NASM, ACE or ACSM chapter.

·          Implementation support through ongoing bi-weekly health mentor supervision, as either expert technical assistance OR a monthly virtual learning collaborative.

·          An iPad to assist the health mentor track participant progress and program outcomes.

·          A $2,500 annual stipend to offset costs associated with data collection for the study.

Eligible organizations include mental health provider organizations that could be ready to implement InSHAPE® by January 2017. Applications need to be submitted by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, June 24. Selection of sites will be announced in September 2016 and the program will begin in March 2017. To access the Request for Applications click here, the Application can be accessed here.

Need more information? Register to attend an informational webinar June 2, 11 AM – 12:30 PM PDT (register here).

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