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Home » LCB Sets December 11, 2013 as Deadline For Comments About Marijuana Use in Liquor Licensed Premises

LCB Sets December 11, 2013 as Deadline For Comments About Marijuana Use in Liquor Licensed Premises

NOTICE OF RULE MAKING – Proposed Rules #13-20

The Washington State Liquor Control Board would like your input on the attached proposed rule for marijuana consumption in liquor licensed premises in WAC 314-11-015 What are my responsibilities as a liquor license? This rule was filed with the Code Reviser’s Office on October 30, 2013.

This notice contains the actual text of the proposed rule. You can provide input by submitting written comments or by participating in the public hearing (see below).

This notice can be found at under Proposed Rules.

The Liquor Control Board encourages you to give input on this proposed rule. Following the comment period, the agency will hold at least one public hearing before the rule is adopted.

Public Comment

Please forward your initial comments to the Liquor Control Board by mail, e-mail, or fax by December 11, 2013.

By mail: Liquor Control Board Rules Coordinator P.O. Box 43080, Olympia, WA 98504-3080

By e-mail:

By fax: 360-360-664-9689


** Public Hearing: December 11, 2013, 10 AM **

Washington State Liquor Control Board – Board Room

3000 Pacific Ave. S.E, Olympia, WA


Text of change below

WAC 314-11-015 What are my responsibilities as a liquor licensee?

(3) Licensees have the responsibility to control their conduct and the conduct of employees and patrons on the premises at all times. Except as otherwise provided by law, licensees or employees may not:

(a) Be disorderly or apparently intoxicated on the licensed premises;

(b) Permit any disorderly person to remain on the licensed premises;

(c) Engage in or allow behavior that provokes conduct which presents a threat to public safety;

(d) Consume liquor of any kind while working on the licensed premises; except…


(f) Engage in or permit any employee or other person to engage in the consumption of any type of marijuana, usable marijuana, or marijuana-infused products in a liquor licensed business, including outdoor service areas or any part of the property owned or controlled by the licensee;

(g) Permit any person consuming, or who has consumed within the licensed premises, any type of marijuana, usable marijuana, or marijuana-infused products to remain on any part of the licensed premises;