Drug-Free Communities Support Program

Drug-Free Communities Support Program (DFC) is a federal funding opportunity with the goal to reduce substance abuse in youth and over time among adults through engaging coalitions in effective community-wide change initiatives.

The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) hosts a meeting for Washington DFC grantees each fall during the Prevention Summit. The DBHR Liaison with the DFC program is available to provide training and technical assistance to existing coalitions and to support new coalitions to form and develop the readiness to apply for DFC funding.

What populations are served and who is eligible for these services?

As of October, 2023, there are 23 diverse communities in Washington State that receive this competitive grant funding. Those 23 communities represent the state's range of population density and geography.

Coalitions must meet specific criteria to be eligible to apply. This includes:

  • active representation from 12 specific sectors
  • been in existence for at least six months before the grant application is due
  • focus on multiple substances as indicated in coalition mission statement
What is the funding amount and source?

Up to $125,000 each year may be requested. An equal cash or in-kind non-Federal match must be secured.

The Office of Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) funds the program with oversight responsibilities and the Center for Disease Control's Injury Prevention & Control administers the program.

Historically, the DFC Request for Applications comes out each year in January and is due approximately six weeks later. If funded and successfully implemented, funding continues for five years, at which time the coalition can re-apply competitively for another five years of funding.

Who can I contact for more information?

DBHR offers periodic training to support effective DFC applications. Informal technical assistance is also available to coalitions throughout the year. Contact Ray Horodowicz for more information about training and technical assistance.

Ray Horodowicz
Prevention System Manager

The following were from a workshop offered during the 2023 Prevention Summit:


Sector Worksheet

Seven Strategies (this version compiled by Unite! Washougal)

Applying for a DFC 1-pager (as originally downloaded from this page: www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/drug-free-communities/pdf/22_DFC_NOFO_FS_Print.pdf)