HCA seeking input from tribal partners!
Hello tribal behavioral health partners, The Washington State Health Care Authority is seeking your input on its statewide fentanyl prevention and naloxone education campaign, Friends for Life, currently designed for a more general youth audience. The current phase of the campaign seeks to reach 12-17-year-olds in Washington with information about the risks of illicit fentanyl and how to identify and respond to a fentanyl overdose using naloxone. We are inviting you to participate in a feedback session where you can share your valuable feedback on:
- If and how current campaign materials resonate (or don’t) with you and native youth you serve/interact with;
- Any areas (messaging and creative) of significant concern; and
- How we can tailor future/upcoming phases of this campaign or a campaign intended specifically for native youth to prioritize the unique needs of your communities and center the voices/lived experiences of native youth.