Preemption in Washington’s Commercial Tobacco Laws: A Discussion about Community Impacts & Policy Change Actions


Washington Breathes invites you to participate in this Commercial Tobacco Policy Change Learning Circles discussion. Preemption in Washington’s commercial tobacco laws currently blocks local initiatives to prohibit sales of flavored tobacco products, to regulate the number and locations of tobacco retailers, and many other policy strategies to protect our communities. Washington is one of just 5 states that preempts most local tobacco regulations. This discussion will focus on the community impacts, local perspectives, and how to move forward on educating about restoring local authority. Your perspective and stories are welcomed.

The September 24th discussion is a follow-up to an informative session held in late July about Preemption. If you did not participate, please see that video recording in advance of the discussion to understand the basics about preemption as well as details of Washington’s laws. More information is posted under this event on the coalition's events page.