At a glance

Program or Strategy Type
Direct Service
Intervention Continuum
Age group(s)
Early Adolescence (12-14)
DBHR Prevention Funding Source(s)
EIP, Cannabis, Opioid
EBP Designation
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for EIP
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for Cannabis
Evidence Based Program (EBP) for Opioid
Versions with EBP Designations
Program or Strategy Description

PROSPER (Promoting School-Community-University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience) is a practitioner-scientist partnership model that evolved out of a series of partnership-based prevention projects grounded in the Land Grant University-based Extension system and the elementary/secondary public school system. As a delivery system rather than substantive program, PROSPER attempts to foster implementation of evidence-based youth and family interventions, complete with ongoing needs assessments, monitoring of implementation quality and partnership functions, and evaluation of intervention outcomes. The program is best characterized by a school, community, and university partnership. The partnership includes (1) state-level university researchers and Extension-based program directors, (2) a prevention coordinator team typically based in the Cooperative Extension System (CES), and (3) local community strategic teams, consisting of a Cooperative Extension System team leader, a representative from the public elementary/secondary school systems who serves as a co-leader, representatives of local human service agencies and other relevant service providers, and other community stakeholders, such as youths and parents. As PROSPER teams develop, they should involve other stakeholders who can positively influence program recruitment, program implementation, and sustainability (such as individuals from various church groups, parent groups, businesses, law enforcement agencies, and/or the media). The local strategic teams receive technical support from the university-level and CES prevention coordinator team members, who attend the local team meetings. This technical assistance is proactive, meaning contact is made with local team members frequently (weekly or biweekly) in order to actively engage in collaborative problem solving.
Once formed, the local team is tasked to select evidenced-based, universal-level family-focused and school-based programs to implement with middle school youth and their families in the local school district.

Status on Other Registries or Inventories
Blueprints: Promising
CrimeSolutions: Promising
CEBC: Not on registry
WSIPP Youth Cannabis 2019: Research-based
WSIPP Children's Services 2020: Research-Based
Title IV-E Clearinghouse: Not on registry
What Works Clearinghouse: Not on registry
CASEL Program Guide: Not on registry
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Not on registry


Not specified
Female, Male
Not specified
Not specified
Name and Contact of Program Developer

Greg Pliler

PROSPER Program Manager

Iowa State University




Number of Sessions
Depends on the program chosen by the local team
Length of Sessions
Depends on the program chosen by the local team
Unique Implementation Factors
Not specified
Training/TA Requirements
Three units given over two years. Unit 1 and 2 are given in year 1 and unit 3 is given in year two.
Facilitator/Staff Credentials
Credentials required depending on the level of the program the professional is at, but there are multiple roles that do not require credentials

Protective factor(s) addressed

Individual Protective Factors
Not Specified
Peer Protective Factors
Not Specified
Family Protective Factors
Opportunities for Prosocial Involvement with Parents
Attachment to parents
Nonviolent discipline
Parental social support
School Protective Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Protective Factors
Not Specified

Risk factor(s) addressed

Individual Risk Factors
coping skills
Peer Risk Factors
Not Specified
Family Risk Factors
Family Conflict / Violence
Poor Family Management
Parent stress
Psychological aggression / discipline
Violent discipline
School Risk Factors
Not Specified
Neighborhood/Community Risk Factors
Not Specified

Outcomes targeted

Problem Behavior Outcomes
Child Maltreatment
Education Outcomes
Not Specified
Emotional Well-being Outcomes
Other Mental Health
Positive Relationships Outcomes
Close relationships with parents

Implementation stories