2024 data books are in Minerva 2.0

Submitted by wilsokl107 on

For Community Wellness and Prevention Initiative (CPWI) providers, a 2024 data book has been added to your document library in Minerva 2.0!

Your document library is located under “Resources,” on the page “Document Library.” Select the hyperlink, “Community Name Data Book 2024” to open the document, and from that page select the hyperlink, “Community Name Data Book 2024” to download your PDF.

A reminder, a data book is provided solely for coalition planning purposes and includes district or school-level data. We have permission to share this local data with you for your prevention coalition planning activities. Please note that this data book should be used with your coalition and should not be shared widely with the public or used for other purposes without the permission of the school district(s) involved.

Questions? If you have any questions, please reach out to your prevention manager.