Monday, April 14 webinar: New Friends for Life overdose prevention materials and Take Back Day resources

The Friends for Life and Starts with One overdose and opioid misuse prevention campaigns are hosting a joint webinar on Monday, April 14, 2025, 11 a.m. – noon.

Attend this online event to learn about:

  • New medications for opioid use disorder treatment and recovery materials and additional resources to help older teens and young adults keep themselves and friends safe from overdose. These new materials were developed recently as part of the Friends for Life fentanyl and naloxone education campaign.
  • Resources to promote Prescription Drug Take Back Day (Saturday, April 26) and safe medication disposal in your community. The toolkit includes ready-to-use ads, posters, social media content, and other localizable materials and information.

The first part of the webinar (11 – 11:30 a.m.) will focus on Friends for Life, and the last section (11:30 a.m. – noon) will cover Take Back Day tools.

Register for the webinar. Questions? Email Mariah Johnson.