March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Nearly half of adults in Washington gamble, and most can do so in a fun, responsible way. But for others, gambling is a behavior they struggle to control. A 2021 study by Washington State University showed tens of thousands Washington adults are at risk of developing unhealthy behaviors around gambling.

Problem gambling is a common co-occurring disorder among people who use alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and tobacco. It is also a significant risk factor for suicide, with suicidal ideation significantly higher among those whose diagnosed with problem gambling than the general population.

There is help available through mental health providers with certification in treatment in problem gambling. Washington state residents who are experiencing negative impacts, several options for free or low-cost help are now available for Apple Health (Medicaid) and non-Medicaid individuals through the Health Care Authority – information on both is below.

What is the rate of problem gambling in WA state?

Based on the 2021 Washington State Adult Problem Gambling Prevalence study, 3.5 percent of adults who gambled were at a moderate-to-severe risk for a gambling disorder (approximately 90,000 adults) and an additional 17 percent had an increased risk for problem gambling (approximately 420,000 adults).

Online gambling is not legal in Washington, yet over 11 percent of adults who gambled reported gambling online, and had double the risk for problem gambling compared to adults who gamble overall.

In Washington, over 10 percent of students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grade reporting gambling on the 2023 Healthy Youth Survey. And numbers for all groups had increased from the previous survey in 2021.

What is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)? #PGAM2025

Problem Gambling Awareness Month is a national campaign that includes participation from state agencies, recovery groups, treatment organizations and providers.

The theme for 2024 PGAM is “Seeking Understanding. Agencies and organizations across the country will air public service announcements and run social media campaigns.

How can I find out if someone needs help?

What help is available in Washington?

  • Contact the Problem Gambling Helpline in Washington State: 1-800-547-6133 for referral to a Certified Gambling Counselor.
  • Washington residents and their loved ones who do not have insurance coverage and/or cannot afford to pay for problem gambling treatment may be eligible for free treatment through the State Problem Gambling Program or Apple Health (Medicaid).
  • Many Tribal Behavioral Health Programs offer problem gambling services for both Tribal and non-Tribal community members (contact a Tribe for details).

Are there other resources?