CPWI Training Project Funding Request

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 1:20am

The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DSHS/DBHR) intends to provide Dedicated Marijuana Account (DMA) Prevention Program Training Project funding to current Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) Community Coalitions in Washington State to provide trainings for select* evidence-based, research-based and promising substance abuse prevention programs from the menu below. Trainings must be completed by June 30, 2016.

This opportunity is currently for CPWI Contractors only. CPWI Contractors can request funding to support one or more trainings from the menu below, up to $12,000 each (if the cost of the training exceeds $12,000 please note that in your request). DBHR reserves the right to negotiate with applicants for project scope and funding amounts. Successful requests will complete the questions below and provide a clear budget of all training related costs. Not all requests will be funded. CPWI Training Project selection will be based on consideration of the following: when the training is scheduled, geographic location - to provide training distribution state-wide, reach to diverse populations, and date and time requests are received by DBHR. DBHR encourages CPWI Contractors to collaborate with other CPWI Contractors and community partners in their area.

First review of requests and selection will begin on February 19, 2016. CPWI Contractors may continue to submit requests after February 18, 2016. These requests will be reviewed and funded as funds are available. For more details, please see the request form by clicking on the link below.

These items were from the RFA.
Click on any listed item to open that file.

Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) Training Project Funding Request Form

Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) Training Project Funding Request Budget Template