Focus on Meth: Harm Reduction at SSPs and in Primary Care

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Join the UW ADAI Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology & Research (CEDEER) for this webinar, part of their 2025 Focus on Meth series. Presenters for this session will be Christina Muller-Shinn, Mason County Department of Health and Dr. Sarah Leyde, UW Harborview.

As methamphetamine-involved deaths rise in WA State, it is essential staff and providers are familiar with common health that may occur with meth use, and approaches to minimize their impacts.

Harm reduction seeks to reduce the negative consequences of drug use. Although harm reduction strategies for stimulants are less well-known there are many services and supplies that are helpful for people who use methamphetamine.

In this webinar you will learn:

• What harm reduction looks like in two settings: a syringe services program and primary care.
• Specific strategies to help support the health and wellbeing of people who use meth
• How programs engage clients or patients in conversations about health

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