The alcohol retail environment: Emerging hazards to public safety


Over the past decade, the U.S. alcohol retail landscape has changed drastically with the introduction of new types of ready-to-drink products – many with high alcohol content – the co-branding of alcohol and soda brands, and the emergence of THC-infused beverages. Additionally, shifts in marketing and sales practices, influenced by technological advances and the COVID-19 pandemic, have raised substantial concerns about underage access and overconsumption. This presentation will explore these evolving trends, offering insights into recent research on product marketing and the implications for public health and policy development.

This webinar is being hosted by the Alcohol Policy Resource Center in collaboration with the Cannabis Policy Resource Center. The presenter, Dr. Matthew Rossheim, is an associate professor at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. His work, including more than 90 peer-reviewed research manuscripts and 100 scientific presentations, has helped influence the development of laws and regulations from the local- to federal-levels. He is one of the nation’s leading public health experts on “supersized” alcopops and derived intoxicating cannabis products (such as delta-8 THC). His related publications illustrate how these harmful intoxicating substances are made appealing and accessible to young people. His research has been cited in reports by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO), as well as featured by BBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, NPR, Washington Post, and The New York Times.

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