
Visit this link for more information:https://events.zoom.us/ev/ArXKfgFgraKNsV-bxo-CGq0Dh3-6MEsIaq6cKojET6heQJGdP88-~AggLXsr32QYFjq8BlYLZ5I06Dg

ABOUT: HRSA/IEA - Seattle (Region 10) in collaboration with the Asian Pacific Islander Coalition Advocating Together for Health, International Community Health Services, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Northwest Regional Primary Care Association, Washington Association for Community Health, and Washington Commission on African American Affairs will host a three-day Health Equity Conference virtually and in Tacoma, WA to provide a forum whereby attendees can explore health equity through the lens of social determinants of health, and imagine new possibilities for the future of public health and primary care in Region 10.


1. Expand knowledge of diverse, cultural perspectives to shift understanding of our progress towards achieving health equity.

2. Identify systemic and structural gaps in public health programming and health care access, delivery, and utilization.

3. Create and incubate solutions to barriers and gaps in public health and primary care delivery systems and structures.

4. Develop recommendations to resolve health inequities and inequalities in order to achieve health equity for individuals and communities.

EVENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By participating in this event, participants will:

1. Network with key influencers in local public health and primary, behavioral, and oral care

2. Improve communication and awareness for working with diverse communities

3. Explore new, grass-roots ideas that advance policy and current systems thinking

4. Visualize health equity through data and mapping

5. Learn the basics of community-capacity building and how to fundamentally change health outcomes in your local area.

TARGETS: This conference is well suited for a multi-disciplinary audience to include personnel and faculty from Academia, Community-based Organizations, Students, Public Health Practitioners, Health Care Administrators, Primary Care Providers, Care Coordinators, Nurses, Social Workers, Health Educators, and State, Local, and Tribal health agency officials and staff.

Event Format
Event Location