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Prevention priorities

The Washington State Prevention Enhancement (SPE) Policy Consortium is comprised of representatives from state and tribal agencies and organizations. The Consortium is responsible for the state-level planning and implementation of collaborative strategies to address substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion. The goal of the Consortium is that through partnerships we will strengthen and support an integrated statewide system of community-driven substance abuse prevention, mental health promotion, and related issues.

The Consortium held their first meeting in October 2011 and initiated a strategic planning process in which they conducted an extensive review of state-level data and resources. Through this process, problem areas were identified, as well as a map of resources and partnerships that support substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion. In August 2012, the Five-Year Strategic Plan was completed. The most recent update was completed in October 2023.

The Consortium has developed action plans and is implementing strategies to address each of the following problem areas: