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Home » WA State Builds a Stronger Mental Health Workforce: Introducing the Bachelor's Level Behavioral Health Support Specialist

WA State Builds a Stronger Mental Health Workforce: Introducing the Bachelor's Level Behavioral Health Support Specialist

Presented by the Northwest ATTC. Speakers: Bill O’Connell, EdD (UW Psychiatry) and Ursula Heflick (Spokane Falls Community College)

The mental and behavioral health workforce shortage has hindered access to care in the United States, resulting in long waitlists for persons who need behavioral health care. Bachelor level practitioners are one solution to increasing available mental and behavioral health treatment across a variety of settings. A Behavioral Health Support Specialist (BHSS) will provide brief treatment for depression using behavioral activation, anxiety using CBT and engage in harm reduction for substance use issues.  This webinar highlights an innovative effort in Washington State to initiate a bachelor’s-level BHSS curriculum leading to credentialing to expand the mental health workforce and improve access to care.

A few learning objectives:

  • Participants will understand the relationship between approved bachelor programs in behavioral health, psychology, and social work and the new state BHSS credential.
  • Participants will recognize the role and function of the BHSS in the various settings they can practice under supervision.
  • Participants will distinguish the between substance abuse treatment work and BHSS interventions.
Date and Time: 
August 28, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm