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Home » Stigma and substance use disorder prevention series, part 1/2

Stigma and substance use disorder prevention series, part 1/2

Series description:
Stigma refers to a wide range of negative attitudes, values, and actions towards another group of people. It can frequently occur in behavioral health settings and often against people who use or are at-risk of using substances. Stigma can significantly decrease the likelihood that people will seek services and significantly increase the likelihood of worsening health outcomes. This two-part webinar series will examine stigma through the lens of substance use prevention and experiences on the road to recovery: what it is, how it can manifest, and what prevention stakeholders can do to address it. The webinar will present both the latest research findings and the lessons learned from lived experience.

Course description:
This webinar will provide a broad overview of stigma and the importance of addressing it through what the research says and what is known through lived experience. The webinar will define stigma and explain how it can manifest in various substance use prevention settings and on the road to recovery. It will address the similarities and differences between public, self, and institutional-stigma and the role of both intentional and inadvertent stigma. The webinar will also discuss how stigma impacts substance use prevention outcomes and people’s ability to recovery. Additionally, it will explain why prevention professionals, other stakeholders, and the community-at-large need to address stigma. The webinar will also include a facilitated small group discussion opportunity for participants to share their experiences finding and addressing stigma.

Date and Time: 
May 9, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:30am