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Home » Worth 1000 Words: What Students’ Snapchat Stories Teach Us About Drug Culture Webinar

Worth 1000 Words: What Students’ Snapchat Stories Teach Us About Drug Culture Webinar

Worth 1000 Words:  What Students’ Snapchat Stories Teach Us About Drug Culture Webinar

Friday, April 20th at 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time

Presenter: Tom Fontana, University of Vermont

In the Fall of 2015, colleges around the country had students posting pictures to SnapChat type apps telling their “unofficial campus stories”. Within months, most of these accounts were banned or deactivated. But the pictures posted- often of drugs and drug use- illustrate an evolving campus drug culture. In this webinar, we will get an update on drug types, trends, and paraphernalia. With that knowledge, we will begin to consider how to craft policy to best minimize harm and maximize engagement.

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Date and Time: 
April 20, 2018 - 12:04pm to 1:04pm