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Webinar - The Whole Child Initiative

Each month a different topic is featured during the CPWI Learning Community Webinar's "3rd hour".

On Wednesday, May 27, from 11:00am to 12:00noon, Dr. Gregory Benner, from the Center for Strong Schools, will present on Tacoma's Whole Child Initiative. 

The Whole Child Initiative is a comprehensive, sustainable school transformation effort with social emotional learning as the foundation of sustainable change.  The Tacoma School District has seen graduation rates increase across all ethnic/racial groups since this initiative began.

Registration is required for this webinar, which will run on the GoTo Webinar platform.  When you register, you will be registering for the entire CPWI Learning Community webinar (9am-12noon).  Unless you already participate with the CPWI webinars, you do not have to participate during the first two hours.

A PDF of the presentation can be found here.