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Free Webinar: Intro to SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Programs


Intro to SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Programs



Purpose: Describe the features that differentiate Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs like SPORT PPW and InShape PPW from other prevention and health programs. 



Who Should Attend:  Health, prevention and substance abuse specialists and parents considering Prevention Plus Wellness programs for their youth or young adults.



Length: 30 minutes with Q & A



Format: Live webinar



Cost: Free (Limited seating)



Day and Time: Thursday May 5th, 11:30am ET (8:30am PT)



Register Now:



Presenter: Chudley Edward Werch, PhD, President and Founder, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC.




Can’t Attend?  If this time and date is not good for you, please email us times and days you’d like to attend this webinar in the future.  We’ll do our best to schedule another training to meet your needs.


(904) 472-5022



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